Why You Need to Secure Your Website with HTTPS and SSL

What is a "Secure" Website Anyhow?
Website security covers many areas , but for the purposes being discussed here, it means that the website utilizes SSL , which stands for Secure Socket Layer, a standard security technology that establishes an encrypted connection between a web server and a browser, with the URL being prefixed with "HTTPS" rather than the standard and unsecure "HTTP" (with that extra "S" standing for "Secure").

Put simply, SSL secures the information that is shared between you (the browser) and the website that you are viewing or interacting with. Any information that you normally submit to a website (or retrieve from a site) is sent as plain text and can be viewed if an attacker is able to intercept the information

1. Safeguarding critical business relationships
We live in a world where online presence is a must to survive in the competitive landscape. Merely getting an MIS degree from a reputable online institute or college is not enough. Along with your learned strategies, you must also safeguard various business relationships.

Remember, your website is an essential extension of your brand. It is a significant touch point with your customers. If you don’t invest in a secure server, you can end up compromising on this vital relationship.

2. Improve Search Engine Rankings
The guarantee of a safe experience should be enough of a reason to opt for secure servers. However, some might argue that they can still run a website without it. After all, what are the chances that your small business will be targeted, right? The chances are high, mind you.

Well, if you don’t want to do it for the sake of your customers’ security, you might want to do it for a better Google ranking. Google is taking a proactive approach to encouraging websites to become secure.

3. You need it for authentication
How can you make sure that the information being sent by your customers to your website is reaching the right server? An SSL certificate can help in ensuring this. Moreover, while doing so, such a certification also delivers encryptions. This helps in securing information and makes it less vulnerable to data breaches.

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